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4 Step Guide to Designing a Great Website

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According to statistics, more than half of the people who visit websites do not interact with the page and immediately leave. Even so, a few strategies are available to make sure that traffic will flow on your website and really interact. Here they are:

1. Keep It Plain and Simple

The most eye-catching web designs are the simplest ones. People’s minds are already cluttered with all the information they are taking in from other various websites on the internet, especially from their social media feeds. You don’t want to add to the noise with your over the top web design.

Simplicity means clean, sleek, and professional. Each element in the web design must be functional. Don’t be afraid to utilise white spaces. This will make it easy for people to navigate through your website. If the audiences find it pleasing to their eyes and comfortable for their minds to keep up, there is a high possibility that they will stay on your website.

2. It Should Be Mobile-Friendly

Most people gain access to the internet through their smartphones. Also, more and more people are using their smartphones over their laptops and desktops when surfing the web. This is a trend that has been increasing at a rapid rate and will only intensify in the next years. This means your web design must also be comfortable for the eyes and easy to navigate on a smartphone. If they like how your website looks like on the phone, people are more likely to share it with their friends.

3. Associate Your Brand

Simple doesn’t necessarily mean boring. You can use colours, shapes, and typographies that correspond to the personality of your brand. This creates a statement of what your brand offers. This will give your audiences an idea of what to expect from the values that you offer through your product and services. They will know if your website is hip or straight to the point with the personality that you put in your design. Make sure that what they see on your website reflects what your team believes in and the message that your brand wants to communicate.

4. Be Unique

With the millions of websites and content out there on the internet, it is hard to be unique and stand out from the rest. Even so, you don’t have to overthink this. Otherwise, you will also lose your mind in the noise and clutter of the whirlwind of information on the internet.

You can do things differently from others. Make sure you express who you are in the simple design you have on your website. Don’t copy other websites’ designs and put your own ideas into creating your site. People like something more organic and this will translate through your honesty in your web design. People get attracted to something more authentic.


Personality is an essential element that your target audience should encounter when they first visit your website. Cultivate that, and you have a higher chance of an increased revenue before this new year ends.

We are a professional web design company in Huddersfield, get in touch with us to see how we can help.

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